Allison Pregler Bio

Allison Pregler, a Z-grade film reviewer, is renowned by her scathing appreciation of stupid action and horror films. Her first review was in 2009 and after gaining some notoriety in the forums (under the old name Obscurus Lupa) she was accepted as a part of the Channel Awesome family. The site remained active until early 2015 when the channel Obscurus Lupa Presents was transformed into Movie Nights. She hosts two podcasts which are about the Charmed series. After a controversial departure from Channel Awesome Allison officially announced on January 20th 2015 that she'd be revamping OLP into an impromptu review show called Movie Nights with an appropriately-shlocky elevator jazz theme. Seen here or here. You can also find her via her Twitter page and Tumblr account. Allison's not enough for you? Ninja the Mission Force is where you'll find Allison doing the squats as Interpol Ninja Cheetah. Brad Jones' film Jesus Bro! also starred her. The appearances she made on Midnight Screenings were usually reviews of terrible films for kids or RiffTrax as well as the odd adult comedy. The first time she reviewed movies was in 2009. Following her rise to fame on the Channel Awesome forums, she was invited into the Reviewer family. She has made numerous appearances throughout Channel Awesome, from Atop the Fourth Wall through Phelous & the Movies. She was a part of the Channel Awesome family alongside Doug Walker and often appeared on the show Nostalgia Critic.

pics Allison Holker feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs


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